Yogo Sapphire

Yogo Sapphire
Found exclusively in Montana’s Little Belt Mountains, Yogo Sapphires are the rarest and finest sapphires on Earth. Characterized by a deep, rich, and extremely uniform cornflower blue, Yogo Sapphires, unlike Sapphires found elsewhere, require no heat-treating to enhance their natural color. In fact, Yogos set the standard for the desired blue color across all Sapphires. Approximately 97% of Yogo Sapphires share the even-hued, pure blue. Additionally, these stones are well known for their lack of internal flaws and are free from inclusions that are often found in Sapphires from other parts of the world.Discovered in the 1860's, the first-known Yogo Sapphires were unearthed accidentally, as miners sought to strike at rich during the Montana Gold Rush. It wasn't until 1866 that a part-time prospector and full-time sheep herder stumbled upon the source of the Sapphires in what is now known as the Yogo Gulch. What the shepherd dubbed, “small blue pebbles,” Tiffany’s of New York identified as the finest quality Sapphires they had ever seen. While most stones are small, weighing in at less than a carat, their rarity in both existence and beauty make them highly sought after, as they are no longer being mined.
Yogo Sapphire Facts
- Yogo Sapphires are the only North American stones in Great Britain’s Crown Jewels
- It is estimated that 28 million carats of Yogos have yet to be mined from Yogo Gulch
- Housed at the Smithsonian, the largest cut Yogo Sapphire is 10.2 carats
- The largest rough cut Yogo Sapphire was mined in 1910 and weighed in at 19 carats